There is a stereotype that the restaurant business is a total theft, which must be very actively fought. I believe that in a normal systemic business there is no theft and can not be.
If the owner of the restaurant first created a restaurant as an “amorphous” business solution without a business model, then hypothetically there may be temptations for staff. Let’s figure out how to do everything right and prevent theft.
Let’s start with what can be the types of theft:
- Employees take food out of the kitchen.
- Bartenders “wander” and steal money for drinks, or buy other alcohol and replace it.
- Administrators and the boss can “muddy” at the box office – do not punch something, do not take into account the money.
How to prevent abuse in the kitchen
It will be very difficult for staff to steal food if you have a warehouse based on a procurement plan.
In today’s restaurant business, when good money is paid, I have not encountered outright theft. In our restaurants there are no special security systems, security guards, I have not encountered this type of theft.
You need to trust your team and first set clear indicators for procurement and training. There should also be a weekly recalculation.
How to prevent theft of household goods
In any case, you need to keep track of everything: spoons, plates, beakers, and break it into the accounting system. Also, be sure to plan the amount of detergent you need. For example, you can make a plan that you have 1-1.5% of the proceeds from the purchase of these products.
How to prevent theft at the bar
In the bar, as everywhere in the restaurant, everything must be kept in the accounting system, purchased centrally. This is especially true of alcoholic beverages, as the sale of these products is strictly regulated by government agencies. You can not have any contraband goods, because you must have products with an excise stamp, numbering, company stamp. You understand that all the goods you have are visually in the bar or in barrels, and you sell excisable goods in a completely transparent and legal way.